Multicultural Summer Honors Program
June 10 – July 19, 2024, 8:10 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
国外正规买球app官方版下载多元文化暑期荣誉课程为期六周, five-period, 包括学术丰富在内的全额奖学金暑期项目, creative arts, experiential education, and community building. 鼓励不同文化背景的四年级在读学生申请.
The summer honors program fosters a joy of learning through creativity and an appreciation for other cultures; students live the Albuquerque Academy experience through academically challenging courses that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving and make Albuquerque Academy a nationally renowned institution.
Applications for 2024 closed on January 20.
We believe in accessibility. 我们意识到,在私立学校支付学费可能会使我们社区的许多人觉得学院在经济上无法获得. Financial barriers should not prevent talented, motivated students from attending, belonging, and succeeding at our school. 我们在夏季荣誉项目中对这一原则的承诺在前五个学期的全额奖学金中得到了体现, 8:10 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, 我们将提供给所有被录取的学生,无论他们的经济状况如何.
If you are interested in a full-day program, 所有的学者也被邀请并鼓励在下午1:30-3:30之间注册课程.m. 块,将程序扩展到一整天的学习和探索. 额外的两节课和一个下午的费用可以根据需要提供财政援助, 其中包括下午3:30之前的暑期节目.m. There is also beforecare starting at 7:30 a.m. and extended care until 5 p.m.
An Inclusive and Caring Community
学院认为我们的学生应该代表我们城市和州的多样性. Diversity – across all spectrums of race, gender, orientation, political beliefs, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic level, age, experience, 或者宗教——为我们的社区增加价值,让我们变得更好. 我们欢迎来自代表性不足和边缘化人群的青年, including African American, Asian American, Indigenous, and Hispanic, 在我们的暑期荣誉课程,以扩大我们的使命范围. 我们希望帮助实现全球十大外围足球平台排行有才华的年轻人的潜力,并让他们接触到我们提供的东西.
A Diverse Slate of Engaging Courses
鼓励不同文化背景的四年级在读学生申请. 在这六周的时间里,最多有50名学生从申请人中被选中, full-day program, which includes academic enrichment, creative arts, interactive electives, experiential education, and community building. The summer honors program fosters a joy of learning through creativity and an appreciation for other cultures; students live the Albuquerque Academy experience through academically challenging courses that encourage critical thinking and problem-solving and make Albuquerque Academy a nationally renowned institution.
夏季荣誉学生通过学术上具有挑战性的课程介绍到国外正规买球app官方版下载,这些课程不仅鼓励批判性思维和解决问题的策略,而且还提高和完善每个学生在核心学术科目的熟练程度. 班级规模较小,以促进学生与教师的互动,并让学生有机会获得个人关注.
- Culture Through the Arts: Students study Native American, African American, Hispanic, 以及其他文化从独特的人类学角度强调动手项目和创造性自我表达的乐趣. 这门课程加深了学生对自己文化的认识,同时鼓励他们在理解其他文化的过程中成长.
- Math & Science: 学生在这些领域获得年级和/或技能适当的丰富.
- Writing, Reading & Literature Workshop: 基于成功的国家写作工程和写作模式的六大特征, 这个工作坊强调阅读和写作是培养独立作家的综合活动.
- Advisory: 除了每周与他们的顾问进行检查之外, 学生将参与团队建设活动, social-emotional learning, and study skills lessons.
- Common Time: Once per week, students will meet as an entire cohort to hear, learn, 并与国外正规买球app官方版下载的各个方面互动, including admission, athletics, performing arts, clubs, affinity groups, counseling and human development, the Desert Oasis Teaching Garden, and more.
- Experiential Education: Three times per week, 学生们将参加户外活动,探索大自然,加深对我们美丽国家的了解和欣赏.
- Electives: 最后,学生们将选择两门选修课. Options include Film, Computer Science, Board Game Design, Universal Beat, Karate, Science in Action, Variety Sports, French, Spanish, and Creative Journaling.
Program Details
2024 Program: Monday, June 10 – Friday, July 19
Questions? 了解更多关于学术强的外展计划的信息 current 4th graders, please feel free to contact us.
Think Academy Office Hours
8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Peter Gloyd, M.B.A., M.Ed.
Director of Diversity, Culture & Belonging
Call (505) 858-8824 or send an email.